
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was one of the greatest and smartest kings, who founded a Hindu kingdom in India in the 17th century. His life was full of such dramatic events that many people believe he was an incarnation of God. His entire life was dedicated to building a kingdom that he called Hindavi Swarajya.

Built over a thousand years ago, the fort contains three Hindu temples as well as a Jain temple and is one of the most important structures in Rajasthan. In 2013, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Safari

Ranthambore Fort History In Hindi | ranthambore fort history | HerZindagi रणथंभौर का किला: भारत के सबसे सुरक्षित किलों में से एक भारत में ऐसे कई विश्व विख्यात फोर्ट्स हैं, जो आज भी हजारों सैलानियों के लिए प्रमुख पर्यटक स्थल है। इन्हीं में से एक है रणथंभौर का किला। Sahitya Maurya Editorial Updated - 2021-02-27, 09:34 IST

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There are five generations of computers which are described below; First Generation Computers . The first generation (1946-1959) computers were slow, huge and expensive. In these computers, vacuum tubes were used as the basic components of CPU and memory. These computers were mainly depended on batch operating system and punch cards.

Savitribai Phule was among the first women teachers of Modern India. A radical proponent of mass and female education, a champion of women liberation and a pioneer of engaged poetry, her life and struggle deserves to be appreciated by a wider spectrum, and made known to people beyond Maharashtra.

A Brief History of Cloud Computing. Millennials may feel like cloud computing is something from their generation, but the truth is that it actually traces its roots back over 60 years. Since the 1950s, organizations have been using an increasingly complex and ever-changing system of mainframe computers to process their data.

Start a free trial Seals Family History Seals Name Meaning English: variant of Seal with plural or post-medieval excrescent -s. Compare Sales with which the name was probably interchangeable. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022 Similar surnames: Seales, Seal, Seale, Neals, Beals, Sears, Sealy, Seils, Stears, Veals

n. 1. The act or an instance of inscribing. 2. A marking, such as the wording on a coin, medal,.

Illustration. by BPG. published on 09 April 2018. Download Full Size Image. Remains of the jail where Bimbisara was imprisoned by Ajatashatru (this is the significance of the structure). 5th century BCE. Location: Rajgir (Rajagriha in Magadhan times), Bihar, India. Remove Ads.

Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., pilot of the ENOLA GAY, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, waves from his cockpit before the takeoff, 6 August 1945. Atomic Bombs and US pilots' greatest thrill..- Audio Video Photo Essay on the Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

महाराज कृष्णदेवराय जो विजयनगर राज्य के सबसे प्रसिद्ध और महान शासक थे, भी सन 1517 में तिरुपति मंदिर आये थे और उनके ही आदेश पर मंदिर के भीतरी भाग पर सोने की परत चढाने का काम शुरू हुआ था। पर ऐसा नहीं है कि सिर्फ विजयनगर के शासक ही इस मंदिर के प्रति श्रद्धावान थे, बल्कि पल्लव, होयसल, पाण्डय और चोल सहित कई राजवंशों ने भी इसके निर्माण और विस्तार में ब.