
Diwali falls in either October or November each year depending on the cycle of the moon. The day is observed on the 15th day of Kartik, the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. In 2020.

The LED is a PN junction diode which emits visible light when the forward bias applies across it. Whereas the LCD uses liquid filaments which are filled between glass electrodes for the emission of light. The LED stands for Light Emitting Diode whereas the LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display

Last updated: November 21, 2022. In the clutter of online ads, social media, and business content. One single factor gives you 4 times the visibility and a competitive edge in this saturated market. That factor is branding.

Here is the answer of the question: When looking to increase the presence of a website, putting together your search engine optimisation plan will.

Typically, a strategic plan will include your company’s vision and mission statements, your long-term goals (as well as short-term, yearly objectives), and an action plan of the steps you’re going to take to move in the right direction. Your strategic plan document should include: Your company’s vision Your company’s mission statement

The correct answer is: Social media Question: You notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this insight? Solution: Shopping bags Blog content YouTube Social media

When running a search engine marketing campaign, what goal do you expect to achieve by having conversion tracking on your site? Options are : To understand what is working and what is not To increase your budget to get more traffic To see personal data about the person who bought from you To advertise internationally more easily

1.23 When fine-tuning paid search ads, you change a broad-match keyword to a phrase-match keyword using which symbol? 1.24 When running a search engine marketing campaign, what goal do you expect to achieve by having conversion tracking on your site?

This score can be a key driver for all your SEO-based activity. Search engine visibility score is extremely useful if you want to monitor the early results of website optimization. To track the visibility dynamics, you can go with Google Search Console: In the Performance report, you’ll see the Total impressions score. Every time a user comes.

Using apply () to append an array to another You can use Array.prototype.push () to append an element to an array. Because push () accepts a variable number of arguments, you can also push multiple elements at once.

This year, Earth Hour will be observed on Saturday, 27 March, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The initiative, organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), aims to raise awareness and inspire.

Earth Hour first began as a lights-out event in Sydney, Australia in 2007, when WWF-Australia inspired citizens to voice their support for the climate. More than 2.2 million people and 2,000.