
  1. Padmasana
  2. Lotus Pose: How to Practice Padmasana
  3. How To Do Padmasana (Lotus Position) And What Are Its Benefits?
  4. How to Do Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
  5. Q&A: What's the Best Preparation for Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
  6. What's all the fuss about Lotus Pose (Padmasana) in yoga?

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Padmasana or the Lotus Pose is an important meditative asana. The yogic texts mentions the importance of this pose. In Sanskrit, Padma means lotus and Asana means pose. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika talks of Padmasana, as one of the main asanas for meditation that can destroy all diseases. If you see the drawings and sculptors of ancient yogis, you will notice that they are seated in Padmasana. Ancient statues of Shiva, Buddha and Mahavira are all depicted as sitting in Padmasana. The hand mudras may vary, but the legs are always shown seated in the lotus pose. Padmasana is one of the best poses for meditation. In Padmasana, the legs are locked together and the lower body is absolutely stable. Also, the back and spine will be straight. This is perfect for longer periods of meditation as the body can be held motionless, with least distractions. Padmasana is not easy for beginners. In the eastern traditions, people are used to sitting on the floor in the simple cross legged position, especially for meals. But in the western tradition, most people use the chair for sitting and for meals. In such cases, a little practice will be required to bring flexibility into the legs. One can do any exercise that stretches the lower legs, thigh and waist muscles to get this flexibility. Also the joints (ankles, knee and waist) should be made supple by doing Pawanmuktasana series of exercises. Those suffering from sciatica and sacral pain, weak knee joints, etc. should avoid this asana. How to do ...

Lotus Pose: How to Practice Padmasana

Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! There is strong symbolism behind Padmasana (Lotus Pose). “A lotus is rooted in the mud, and when it grows, it blooms into a beautiful flower,” says The lotus is often found in Hindu iconography, associated with many powerful deities. Lakshmi (the goddess of abundance) is often shown sitting on an open lotus and holding another in her hand. The same is true of Ganesha, the elephant-headed destroyer of obstacles, and Lord Vishnu, who is said to represent the principle of preservation in the universe. And lore has it that wherever the Buddha walked, lotus flowers bloomed. As important as the lotus flower is in Hindu imagery, Lotus Pose is an important foundational pose in yoga practice. This seated posture boasts many physical and energetic benefits: it can help improve circulation in the lumbar spine, stretch the ankles and legs, and increase flexibility in the hips. “What is unique about Padmasana is that it’s both a grounding and a profoundly expansive pose,” says Practice the pose to whatever extent your body allows, and don’t get caught up in achieving a “perfect” pose. Section divider Sanskrit Padmasana ( pod-MAHS-anna) padma = lotus Section divider Lotus Pose Basics Pose type: Benefits: Lotus Pose creates a foundation for meditation practices. It can help manage stress, and when done in a relaxed manner, activates the relaxation response (parasymp...

How To Do Padmasana (Lotus Position) And What Are Its Benefits?

Padmasana formed using two Sanskrit words Padma ( Lotus ) and asana ( posture). When we practice this asana a lotus position formed so this also called Lotus pose. This is one of the ultimate poses for the Yogi Lord Shiva, Budha both depicted in scripture performing mediation with the lotus position. How To Do Padmasana (Lotus Position) • Sit on the mat to do the cross leg. • Straight your backside. Move your both legs in front of you. Bring slowly your right leg at your left leg using your both hands. Try to touch right leg ankle to your navel. if you are not comfortable doing this try to do gradually don’t force. • Now move the Left legto create a cross leg position.Try to touch your left leg ankle to the navel. Make sure your spine is erect.and your head is straight. • bring your both hand at your knees at looking upward for creating Gayanmudra. • Close your eyes and deep Inhale and exhale with focusing your breathing. • Practice this in starting for 1-5 minutes. You can also read:- Health Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Position) • It helps makes the body stable and breathes become slow which is part of the meditative breath. slow breath makes mind calm. • It’s control of blood pressure. • It helps to reduce muscular pain • It helps to remove unwanted fat from the hip and thigh. • It can help you awaken your • It makes your breath slow pace which increases the longevity of life. • It helps to perfect women menstrual cycle disorder. • It improves digestion, reduces cholest...

How to Do Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

While Lotus Pose ( Padmasana) is one of the most recognizable yoga poses, it is an advanced pose that isn't appropriate for the majority of practictioners. In part, this is because most Westerners have gotten out of the habit of squatting and sitting on the floor and therefore have limited hip mobility. The good news is that your hip mobility may improve over time with consistent practice, making Lotus possible. • From • Bend your left knee and use your handsto cross the left ankle over to the right hip crease with the sole of the left foot facing up. • Sit up tall with a long spine and your shoulders moving away from yourears. Place hands on thighs, palms facing up with shoulders drawing back and down. Actively lengthen the crown of your head upwards. • Relax your knees toward the floor. • After 10 to 20 breaths, release the legs and repeat the posture with your left foot on the bottom and your right foot on top. Not Having Enough Hip Flexibility In order to get into full Lotus, the legs have to have the range of motion to externally rotate out from the pelvis. Forcing the legs into position will actually not have the effect of opening the hips but will instead transfer the strain down the leg to the knee joint, which is more likely to give. Up for a Challenge? • Practice bringing your legsinto Lotus without using your hands. • Once you are in Lotus, plant your palms on the floor on either side of the hips and lift your butt and crossed legs off the floor to come into Sca...

Q&A: What's the Best Preparation for Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! Q: What preparation asanas do you recommend before attempting Padmasana (Lotus Pose)? I already can do Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose). —Ramesh Natasha’s reply: Dear Ramesh, The primary issue for most people is protecting the knee, which can be very vulnerable in My suggestion is to begin with a variety of externally rotated standing postures, such as While these poses can help prepare for Padmasana, it is very important that when you actually practice the pose itself, you also practice ahimsa, or nonharming. Pay attention to rotating your leg from as high in the hip socket as possible, and do not ignore pain in your knee if it does occur. Also consider working with a teacher who has a sense of your body and practice, and who can help you in a more direct way with the details of alignment. Padmasana takes time and patience and is never worth forcing.

What's all the fuss about Lotus Pose (Padmasana) in yoga?

• Facebook 0 • WhatsApp • Pinterest 0 • Love This 0 • 0 share When you think of yoga, the first picture that probably comes into your mind is a person sitting with crossed legs in Lotus pose or Padmasana as it’s called in Sanskrit. But how beneficial is this iconic yoga pose really? Yoga has been around for almost tens of centuries, and it has its roots deeply situated within the Indian Subcontinent. Thanks to urbanization and the internet age, people in the West have gotten to know this meaningful practice. Broadly, yoga has different forms and postures that focus on different outcomes for the human body. Still, this article is about the yoga pose Padmasana and its benefits for our bodies. Before you get to know the benefits of this asana, you should know what exactly it is and how to practice it. Let’s look at Padamasa in more detail: • • • • 1. How To Get Into Lotus Pose (Padmasana)? To know what Padmasana is, we would like to decode what it means in English. Padma means Lotus in Sanskrit, and asana means position or posture. So basically, Padmasana means Lotus Posture. And this cross-legged Padmasana or Lotus Pose is one of the most recognized mediation sitting positions. Photo: TINT Instructor Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting into the Padmasana posture at home by yourself. 1. Lay down a mat on the floor, and sit on it with your legs stretched out. At the same time, keep your spine erect (almost at a 90-degree angle). 2. Bend your right leg and gently place it on...