Lysosome definition

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Lysosome Definition & Meaning

Recent Examples on the Web After the spike protein attaches to an ACE2 receptor, scientists believe that the membrane surrounding the cell may then engulf the virus to bring it inside and transport it to a lysosome. — Tim Vernimmen, Discover Magazine, 25 Mar. 2020 That single-letter insertion the Broad researchers had sniffed out jumbles the genetic script from that point on, resulting in a pile-up of mangled, misshapen, mucus-producing proteins that couldn’t be shredded by the cellular trash can, the lysosome. — Isabella Cueto, STAT, 2 May 2022 This allows the virus’s genetic material to escape from the lysosome into the cell. — Tim Vernimmen, Discover Magazine, 25 Mar. 2020 Too much beta-CTF inhibits the lysosome’s acidification system. — Quanta Magazine, 8 Dec. 2022 Its main task is to shuttle cellular detritus to the lysosome, an organelle containing digestive enzymes, where it can be chewed up and recycled. — William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 7 Sep. 2021 According to a study published in April 2020, mutations identified in the nonstructural protein NSP6 and open reading frame Orf10 likely prevent autophagosomes from delivering material to the lysosome. — William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 7 Sep. 2021 These drugs work by impairing a part of the cell called the lysosome, which basically breaks down and gets rid of cellular garbage. — Popular Science, 15 Dec. 2020 Rather, they all are involved in sending cellular materials to the waste-recycling compartment called the lysosome. —...