Instant relief from cough

  1. 6 Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work – Cleveland Clinic
  2. Home Remedies for Dry Cough: 13 Remedies and When to See a Doctor
  3. Chronic cough
  4. How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast: 11 Easy Home Remedies
  5. 12 All
  6. How to Stop a Bad Cough: Day and Night Cough
  7. Dry Cough: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

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6 Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work – Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. What’s even more frustrating is that sore throats can be caused by a “The best way to get to the bottom of what’s causing your sore throat is to visit your doctor,” says family medicine specialist 6 home remedies to get rid of a sore throat In the meantime, try some of Dr. Allan’s tried-and-true ways to alleviate your sore throat. 1. Warm and cold fluids Sip on warm drinks, like tea or chicken soup. (It’s not just good for the soul, you know!) Or try cold liquids, such as ice water or popsicles. It depends on your preference and what soothes your throat best. “Liquids help clear mucous membranes, keep things flowing and prevent 2. Gargling Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt — or a similar amount of baking soda — in a glass of warm water. Gargle (but don’t swallow) the concoction every three hours for an all-natural sore throat remedy. Salt water can help reduce swelling and irritation in your throat. Baking soda also soothes the throat, breaks up mucus and can help with throat-irritating acid reflux. 3. Over-the-counter antihistamines and pain relievers An antihistamine may dull or relieve throat pain. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen also help with pain that’s located a little deeper in your glands and other parts of your neck. “Histamines are chemicals that help your immune system fight foreign substance...

Home Remedies for Dry Cough: 13 Remedies and When to See a Doctor

A Dry coughs can linger for weeks after you’ve had a cold or the flu. They may also be caused by a number of conditions, such as: • • • They may also be a long-lasting side effect from exposure to environmental toxins, such as Dry coughs can be very uncomfortable and may occur in both children and adults. There are a number of At-home remedies for dry cough aren’t one-size-fits-all. You may have to experiment with several before you find the ones that work for you. In addition, not all of these remedies have been fully researched and proven to be effective. Some treatments are also inappropriate for babies or children. 1. Honey For adults and children ages 1 and up, Honey has antibacterial properties and can also help to coat the throat, alleviating irritation. One You can try taking honey by the teaspoon several times daily, or add it to tea or warm water to drink. To avoid 2. Turmeric Curcumin is best absorbed into the blood stream when taken with black pepper. You can add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper into a beverage, such as cold orange juice, to drink. You can also make it into a warm tea. Turmeric You can get turmeric in its spice-form, as well as a capsule. 3. Ginger Ginger can be found in many teas as an ingredient. You can also make ginger tea from ginger root by steeping the peeled or cut root in warm water. Adding honey may make it even more beneficial for dry cough. You can also take ginger in capsule form, or chew on ginger root to al...

Chronic cough

Diagnosis Your doctor will ask about your medical history and perform a physical exam. A thorough medical history and physical exam can provide important clues about a chronic cough. Your doctor may also order tests to look for the cause of your chronic cough. However, many doctors opt to start treatment for one of the common causes of chronic cough rather than ordering expensive tests. If the treatment doesn't work, however, you may undergo testing for less common causes. Imaging tests • X-rays. Although a routine chest X-ray won't reveal the most common reasons for a cough — postnasal drip, acid reflux or asthma — it may be used to check for lung cancer, pneumonia and other lung diseases. An X-ray of your sinuses may reveal evidence of a sinus infection. • Computerized tomography (CT) scans. CT scans also may be used to check your lungs for conditions that may produce chronic cough or your sinus cavities for pockets of infection. Lung function tests Spirometer A spirometer is a diagnostic device that measures the amount of air you're able to breathe in and out. It also tracks the time it takes you to exhale completely after you take a deep breath. These simple, noninvasive tests, such as spirometry, are used to diagnose asthma and COPD. They measure how much air your lungs can hold and how fast you can exhale. Your doctor may request an asthma challenge test, which checks how well you can breathe before and after inhaling the drug methacholine (Provocholine). Lab tests I...

How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast: 11 Easy Home Remedies

The worst part of a cold for many is an annoyingly persistent cough — especially when that tickle in your throat crops up at the worst times, like during a work presentation or as you're But as it turns out, there's a really important reason why we cough, and it's meant to help you get better. "Coughing is a reflex that our body uses in response to irritation, inflammation or infection in the lungs and airway," says Chantel Strachan, M.D., a primary care physician at Coughing is most associated with respiratory infections — like the , according to Dr. Strachan. While a wet cough (a productive cough that brings up phlegm or mucus) is often a sign of a lower respiratory infection, a dry cough is commonly associated with irritated or inflamed upper airways, says So what exactly can you do to treat an annoyingly persistent cough? Thankfully, there are a number of effective strategies you can try for improving your cough symptoms — and you may already have the solution in your home. From using over-the-counter medication to drinking a cup of tea, here are 11 easy ways to get rid of your cough. Over-the-counter medicine from your pharmacy is often your first resource when it comes to treating a cough. But not all medicine is the same — there are three distinct types of cough medicine for you to consider, according to Dr. Chun. The first is an expectorant, which helps expel the mucus in your body by thinning it; suppressants, on the other hand, subdue cough reflexes in the brain....

12 All

Looking for a natural or alternative treatment for your cold or #1 Know When not to Treat Symptoms Believe it or not, those annoying symptoms you're experiencing are part of the natural healing process -- evidence that the immune system is battling illness. For instance, a fever is your body's way of trying to kill viruses by creating a hotter-than-normal environment. Also, a fever's hot environment makes germ-killing proteins in your want the increase blood flow because it warms the infected area and helps secretions carry germs out of your body. #2 Blow Your Nose Often (and the Right Way) It's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can carry germ-carrying phlegm back into your ear passages, causing gently to clear the other. #4 Stay Warm and Rested Staying warm and resting when you first come down with a cold or the flu helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. This battle taxes the body. So give it a little help by resting. #5 Gargle Gargling can moisten a To reduce the tickle in your throat, try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Or use a thick, viscous gargle made with honey or honey and #6 Drink Hot Liquids Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent #7 Take a Steamy Shower Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and may help you relax. If you're dizzy from the #8 Use a Salve Under Your Nose...

How to Stop a Bad Cough: Day and Night Cough

When you’re dealing with a As annoying as a cough can be, it is a healthy response to an irritant in your throat or airways. The irritant stimulates nerves that send a message to your brain; your brain then tells muscles in your chest and abdomen to push air out of your lungs to force the irritant out, says the Many medical conditions can result in a cough, including the A cough can also be a Whatever the cause, coughs can be pretty irritating if you have one (and also pretty irritating to your bed mate or office mate). The good news? “Most coughs disappear within a few weeks, no matter what you do,” says Plus there are a number of things you can do to feel better and breathe easier, at least temporarily, he adds. Below are 10 worth trying, both during the day and at night. How to Calm Daytime Coughing If your cough is making it hard to function during the day (or becoming a liability at work), try one of these remedies to help tame the hacking. 1. Take an E xpectorant Over-the-counter (OTC) expectorants (such as Mucinex or 2. Reach for a Cough S uppressant For temporary relief of a dry, hacking cough, try taking an OTC cough medicine that contains One caution to keep in mind: Don’t give cough medication to children younger than four, says the 3. Sip a Warm Beverage The warmth of a drink like 4. Step Up Your Fluid Intake Getting enough fluid is always a good idea, and even more so when you have a cold. Staying well-hydrated will help thin mucus and, in turn, make coughs mo...

Dry Cough: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

A There are two types of cough: productive and nonproductive. A productive cough produces phlegm or mucus, clearing it from the lungs. A nonproductive cough, also known as a dry cough, doesn’t produce phlegm or mucus. Many things — from allergies to acid reflux — can cause a dry cough. In some cases, there’s no obvious cause. Regardless of the cause, an ongoing dry cough can seriously impact your day-to-day life, especially if it’s worse at night. Keep reading to learn more about the possible causes of a dry cough and ways to find relief. Asthma Coughing is a common symptom of asthma, but it’s usually not the most prominent one. However, there is a type of asthma called Other • wheezing • shortness of breath • tightness or • • coughing or wheezing attacks Long-term asthma treatment often involves long-acting medications like inhaled corticosteroids, such as: • • • Short-acting medications used for the treatment of occasional asthma attacks include bronchodilator inhalers such as Gastroesophageal reflux disease Stomach acid can irritate your esophagus and trigger your Other symptoms of GERD include: • • • regurgitation of food or sour liquid • the feeling of a lump in the back of the throat • • mild hoarseness • Most people find relief from GERD through a combination of lifestyle changes and over-the-counter (OTC) acid reducers such as Some Postnasal drip When you have a Postnasal drip can tickle the nerves in the back of your throat, triggering a cough. Other symptoms of p...