Function of trachea class 10

  1. Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions and Answers Science Chapter 6
  2. What is the function of trachea Class 10? – Wise
  3. What is the function of trachea in respiratory system class 10? – Wise

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Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions and Answers Science Chapter 6

• • • • • Question 2. What process in plants is known as transpiration ? Answer: It is loss of water in the vapour form from the exposed parts of a plant. Question 3. Name the tissue which transports soluble products of photosynthesis in a plant. Answer: Phloem. Question 4. Name the tissue which transports water and minerals in a plant. Answer: Xylem. Question 5. How do autotrophs obtain CO 2 and N 2 to make their food ? Answer: Autotrophs obtain CO 2 from air and N 2 as nitrate or ammonium ion from soil. Question 6. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting protein ? Answer: Trypsin. Question 7. Which enzyme present in saliva breaks down starch ? Answer: Ptyalin or salivary amylase. Question 8. What is the role of acid in our stomach ? Answer: HCl of gastric juice disinfects the food and acidifies it for proper functioning of proteolytic enzyme pepsin. Question 9. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food ? (CBSE Delhi 2008, CCE 2014, 2016) Answer: Saliva moistens the ingested food with mucus, sterilises it with lysozyme and partially digests starch part of food into sugar with the help of salivary amylase or ptyalin. Question 10. State the function of digestive enzymes. (CBSE A.I. 2008 C) Answer: Digestive enzymes are hydrolytic enzymes which cause breakdown of complex and insoluble components of food into simple, soluble and absorbable substances. Question 11. Name the two ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms. (CBSE ...

What is the function of trachea Class 10? – Wise

Table of Contents • • • • • • What is the function of trachea Class 10? The trachea serves as the main passageway through which air passes from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs. As air is pulled into the trachea during inhalations, it is warmed and moisturized before entering the lungs. What is the function of the trachea and bronchi? The tubes that make up the bronchial tree perform the same function as the trachea: they distribute air to the lungs. The alveoli are responsible for the primary function of the lungs, which is exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen. What is a trachea? (TRAY-kee-uh) The airway that leads from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi (large airways that lead to the lungs). Also called windpipe. Enlarge. Anatomy of the respiratory system, showing the trachea and both lungs and their lobes and airways. Why is the Carina of trachea important? Clinical significance Foreign bodies that fall down the trachea are more likely to enter the right bronchus. The mucous membrane of the carina is the most sensitive area of the trachea and larynx for triggering a cough reflex. What is the structure and function of the trachea? The trachea is a tube-like structure within the neck and upper chest. It transports air to and from the lungs when a person breathes. When a person inhales, air travels through the nose or mouth, down the trachea, and into the lungs. What can cause blockage of the trachea? The airway can become narrowed or blocked due to many causes...

What is the function of trachea in respiratory system class 10? – Wise

Table of Contents • • • • What is the function of trachea in respiratory system class 10? The primary function of the trachea is to transport air to and from the lungs. Without a trachea, a person would not be able to breathe. What is the function of Lungsin respiratory system? Our lungs remove the oxygen and pass it through our bloodstream, where it’s carried off to the tissues and organs that allow us to walk, talk, and move. Our lungs also take carbon dioxide from our blood and release it into the air when we breathe out. What are the major organs of respiratory system in humans? These are the parts: • Nose. • Mouth. • Throat (pharynx) • Voice box (larynx) • Windpipe (trachea) • Large airways (bronchi) • Small airways (bronchioles) • Lungs. What is the primary function of the lungs quizlet? Your lungs are organs in your chest that allow your body to take in oxygen from the air. They also help remove carbon dioxide. What is the function of the trachea in the human body? What Is The Function Of The Trachea. Find Expert Advice on The trachea is the tube in the throat that connects the mouth and nose to the lungs. It is also called a windpipe, and its function is to transport the air a person breathes in through his nose or mouth into the lungs. What happens when an object cannot be removed from the trachea? Coughing is the body’s way to remove foreign substances from the trachea, throat, or lungs. If an object cannot be dislodged from the trachea, choking can oc...