Full form of ilo

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  4. International Labour Organization (ILO)

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What does ILO stand for?

Term Definition Rating International Labor Organization Rate it: Iloko Rate it: Iloilo, Philippines Rate it: Incremental Learning Objective Rate it: Industrial League Order Rate it: I Live Online Rate it: In Lieu Of Rate it: In Lieu Of .... Rate it: I love octopus Rate it: International Losers Organization Rate it: International Law Office Rate it: In Light Of Rate it: Intelligent Level Optimization Rate it: Intentional Labour Organisation Rate it: International Labour Organisation Rate it: International Labor Office Rate it: International Labour Office Rate it: Instrumentation Library for Oracle Rate it: Intensive Livestock Operation Rate it: International Labour Organization Rate it: Integrated Living Opportunities Rate it: Itial Liquidity Offering Rate it: International Legal Order Rate it: Itial Load Out Rate it: Integrates Lights Out Rate it:

Find Full form of ILO & Many More: Updated List on Web Ananta

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations (UN) agency based in Geneva, Switzerland responsible for developing and promoting international labour standards and advocating human rights. It was founded in 1919 and is the only tripartite UN agency, meaning it is active in both social and political realms, representing workers, employers and governments. The ILO has an extensive list of mandates dedicated to ensuring the wellbeing of workers. These include freedom of association, the right to form and join trade unions, and the right to collective bargaining. Other measures involve preventing discrimination, providing special protection for mothers, prioritising safety and health of workers, and protecting children and young people in the workplace by setting standards for minimum ages and preventing inappropriate work conditions and exploitation. The ILO also aims to reduce unemployment, increase job security, and promote decent work through measures such as international labour standards and employment promotion. This includes employment policies and practices, vocational guidance and counselling, skills improvement, and job opportunities that give workers the freedom to choose their career. In addition, the ILO works on development projects, capacity-building and technical assistance to help countries design and implement effective labour policies that promote economic growth and justice.


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International Labour Organization (ILO)

International Labour Organization (ILO), specialized agency of the The functions of the ILO include the development and promotion of standards for national legislation to protect and improve working conditions and standards of living. The ILO also provides In its first decade the ILO was primarily concerned with legislative and research efforts, with defining and promoting proper minimum standards of labour legislation for adoption by member states, and with arranging for collaboration among workers, employers, government delegates, and ILO professional staff. During the worldwide economic depression of the 1930s the ILO sought ways to combat widespread unemployment. With the postwar breakup of the European colonial empires and the expansion of ILO membership to include poorer and less developed countries, the ILO addressed itself to new issues, including the social problems created by the liberalization of Among intergovernmental organizations the ILO is unique in that its approximately 175 member states are represented not only by delegates of their governments but also by delegates of those states’ employers and workers, especially trade unions. National representatives meet annually at the International Labour Conference. The ILO’s executive authority is vested in a 56-member Governing Body, which is elected by the Conference. The International Labour Office in International Labour Review and the Year Book of Labour Statistics.

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