
  1. Why are ad rates so low in 2023?
  2. KI und das Web
  3. How To Switch To Ezoic's Cloud Integration To Handle SSL For Free
  4. My Honest Ezoic Review In 2023 (LEAP & Premium Also Reviewed)

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Why are ad rates so low in 2023?

You asked and we heard you! We are back to giving you updates on the digital publishing industry and ad rates every other week. The world of content creation is rapidly changing with the continual development and emergence of artificial intelligence. If this has you biting your nails, we have a special webinar on Wednesday, June 7 at 9:00am PDT/12:00pm EDT on Before we dive into what’s happening now, let’s recap Q1 2023. Or, What happened in digital publishing in Q1 2023? Below this update, you can find our bimonthly updates from Q1 but if that is TL;DR, I’ll sum it up right now. Entering into January 2023, there was still hesitancy in the market due to the uncertain state of the economy; almost 30% of major advertisers had plans to cut their ad budgets in 2023 and US ad rates were down 22% compared to the same period last year. A forecast for US ad spending in 2023 indicated a decrease of $5.51 billion from the original projections for 2023. During such unpredictable times, it is essential to closely monitor ad spend trends in your niche. Certain niches performed better depending on holidays, social trends, and previous spending (i.e. non-alcoholic beverages increased in ‘Dry January’ and candy increased around Valentine’s Day). If there is a real winner in Q1 2023 for ad dollars, it’s the travel industry; overall, the travel industry has shown substantial growth this year, driven by a combination of the booking curve and an increase in remote work, allowing people to tra...

KI und das Web

Inhalte • • • • • Einführung Die rasante Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) hat sowohl beängstigende als auch erleichternde Aspekte für Publisher. KI-Technologie hat das Potenzial, viele Aufgaben, die traditionell von Menschenhand erledigt werden, schneller und effizienter zu bewältigen. Allerdings hat KI auch ihre Grenzen. Sie kann keine wirklichen Erfahrungen machen und ihre Informationen basieren ausschließlich auf bereits verfügbaren und eingespeisten Daten. Die aktuelle Situation lässt sich mit der Die Rolle von KI im Publishing KI hat das Potenzial, viele der Aufgaben, denen Publisher regelmäßig nachgehen müssen, schneller und effizienter zu erledigen. Dies könnte eine enorme Chance für Publisher darstellen, ihre Prozesse zu optimieren und effizienter zu arbeiten. Allerdings hat KI auch ihre Grenzen. Sie kann keine Erfahrungen machen und ihre Informationen basieren ausschließlich auf verfügbaren Daten. Dies bedeutet, dass KI nicht in der Lage ist, originelle und einzigartige Inhalte zu erstellen, die auf menschlichen Erfahrungen basieren. Trotz dieser Grenzen kann KI als leistungsstarkes Werkzeug dienen, das die Arbeit der Publisher unterstützt. KI kann dabei helfen, Informationen sowie Datenmengen zu sammeln, sortieren und zu analysieren, um besser verstehen zu können, was das Publikum will und braucht. Dies kann den Publishern dabei helfen, gezieltere und relevantere Inhalte zu erstellen, die somit auch besser bei den Besuchern der Webseiten ankommen. Es ...

How To Switch To Ezoic's Cloud Integration To Handle SSL For Free

What is SSL? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it is the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure. The HTTPS you see appearing in the URL indicates that the website is secured by a SSL certificate. In simple terms, your site visitors and customers are at a higher risk of having their data stolen if they don’t have a SSL. SSL protects websites from phishing scams, data breaches, and it ultimately builds a secure environment for both visitors and site owners. There are several plugins on WordPress to handle SSL with various pricing plans. However, we’re going to be showing you how to swap to Ezoic’s Cloud Integration to handle SSL for free! Really Simple SSL Really Simple SSL is a great example of a very popular light weight plugin. The plugin requires no setup in making your site SSL proof and there are pricing plans ranging from $29 for a single license all the way to $159 for an agency plan. However, publishers who connect to the platform using Ezoic Cloud Integration can benefit from free SSL on both original and Ezoic versions of their domain! To get started, let’s start by disabling the Really Simple SSL plugin from your WordPress website. Head over your WordPress Admin dashboard and click plugins. Deactivating and revert to http Most users that do this want to do this because their site has issues on SSL and expect the plugin to leave the site as it was before activation. If you choose this option, your site url will change back to http. Dea...

My Honest Ezoic Review In 2023 (LEAP & Premium Also Reviewed)

Quick review: Ezoic is a Google-approved partner to monetize a blog with high-paying ads. They pay on time. They use AI to improve revenue. And you’ll Pros: You’re not bound by a contract (unless you sign for the premium deal). There’s no minimum traffic needed to join. You can apply with a non-English site. They give technologies for free that can save you tons of money. Ezoic won’t reject your website if the majority of traffic is not from the US. Cons: Can be confusing for non-technical persons. With its different services, it is often a challenge for the support team to understand the problems users are facing. Verdict: I am actually using Ezoic and recommend them. I’ve experienced an average of $20 EPMV (per 1000 visits) using them. Why do I Recommend Ezoic? • They pay well: you can start making money with a blog early on. • No contract: you can remove it anytime if you don’t like it or want to move to another platform. Also, there’s no guarantee Adthrive, Newor Media, or Mediavine will approve your website after a long wait without monetization or that you’ll make more money with them. In fact, users with thousands of page views are happily using Ezoic. It’s not a platform to just start with until you’re qualified for platforms with higher pageview requirements. For a detailed review of Ezoic, keep reading. Here’s a TOC for this article: • You’ll learn everything you should know to decide to join Ezoic or not. Ezoic Review (2023) Ezoic can help you make money with • ...